Russian NC Youth Section
About Russian NC Youth Section
Since July 2012 the Russian National Committee of International Council on large electric systems realizes the program called “Youth Section of RNC CIGRE”, which main objective is to educate and to train a new generation of Russian power engineers with international competences and ability to make a technological and innovation breakout in the electric energy industry of Russian Federation.
The foundation of the “Youth Section of RNC CIGRE” became the answer to existed essential demands of Russian leading electric energy companies given by the Russian National Committee of CIGRE. Youth Section also pursues the following aims:
to attract young scientists into CIGRE activities;
to create incentives of potential employers to invest in human capital;
to exercise targeted preparation of professionals;
to actively participate in talents development and youth proficiency improvement.
To achieve these aims RNC CIGRE have agreements with 20 leading Russian technical universities. During the 2017 year 19 events on power and electrical engineering subjects were organized within the program “Youth Section”, among others there are competitions, contests, workshops, quizzes, forums. Representatives of 67 Russian and several foreign universities took part in the events of Youth Section. The total number of participants of the events of Youth Section exceeded 5000 students and young specialists.
CIGRE Session 2018
There are 10 Young members take part in the 47 CIGRE Session events. They had been selected by the Russian Youth Section. You can see their presentations via following links.
My research is devoted to analysis of different architectures of digital substation. It gives an opportunity to estimate the cost of CAPEX and OPEX of each variant.
Developed software package for calculating aggregated criteria for reliability indicators permits to determine the state of protection automation control system (PACS) in case of element`s fault, operability of functions, fault tolerance of the system and its entirety.
National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”
Natalia Gracheva
Presentation: link
My research is devoted to methods of minimizing the impact of low-frequency oscillations on synchronous generators.
The implementation of the proposed damping methods at the Kola power system positively resulted in reducing the amplitude of synchronous swings of active power in the section under consideration and maintaining dynamic stability of the generating equipment.
National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, SO UPS
Mikhail Savvatin
Presentation: link
My research is devoted to protection of substation equipment from the action of high-frequency lightning and switching over voltages.
To solve this problem, frequency-dependent device working on the principle of skin effect has been developed. This device capable not only to reduce the amplitude of the overvoltage pulse, but also to damp it to a safe steepness.
Novosibirsk State Technical University
Valentin Loman
Presentation: link
The results of experimental studies of partial-discharges dynamics occurring in free-gas bubbles floated in transformer oil.
This work is aimed at the improvement of understanding of PD physics and is of practical interest for PD diagnostics. For instance, free-gas bubbles can occur in oil due to thermal fault at the active part bottom. Such bubbles appear in area with low electrical stresses but due to floating they can reach the highly stressed area and can cause PD initiation.
Novosibirsk State Technical University
Alexander Ridel
Presentation: link
The object of the research is devoted to the creation of a software complex for load distribution control within the framework of a microgrid operating on renewable energy sources. The complex is based on multi-agent systems.
The proposed solution allows to create an automated system for coordinated renewables management within the framework of the microgrid. It will provide the required resiliency of energy supply as well as additional financial benefits from operating in the open market.
National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, JSC R&D Centre of FGC UES
Evgeniy Rogozinnikov
Presentation: link
My research is devoted to the OHL capacity increasing with the new algorithm of calculating. Additionally new emergency capacity was suggested to be used.
The proposed recalculating of the OHL capacity will decrease CapEx for building new OHL, increase grid load and provide new consumer connections.
Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy System
Andrey Lyanzberg
Presentation: link
My research is devoted to the monitoring of the cable insulation residual life. The proposed technique of the insulation residual life monitoring might be implemented in the digital substation systems, intellectual power grids and other technologies using current and voltage monitoring.
Omsk State Technical University
Dmitry Polyakov
Presentation: link
My research is devoted to the analysis of shunt reactor differential protection work and to the development of its new algorithm.
The developed adaptive algorithm in contrast to existing algorithms, applies to avoid false tripping of protection in case of switching of shunt reactor. A prototype of IED and software implementing adaptive algorithm were developed and are planned for installation in substations.
National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, JSC R&D Centre of FGC UES
Alexander Kholodov
Presentation: link
Maintenance and repair (M&R) optimization strategy where the frequency of correcting actions changes proportionally to risk of power equipment failures is presented.
Efficiency of chosen strategy is estimated by possibility of providing a minimum of total repair and operating costs and a maximum (established) level of power system reliability.
Novosibirsk State Technical University
Elena Rychagova
Presentation: link
My work is dedicated to the monitoring system of icing intensity on power lines. The system is used both for the detection of icing parameters and for control of ice melting.
The monitoring system is the information-measuring complex that consists of the hardware equipment installed on towers and software installed on the computers in dispatching centers.
Skolkovo institute of science and technology
Dmitry TITOV
Presentation: link