Russian National Committee of CIGRE
Address of the Chairman of Russian NC
Andrey MUROV
Chairman of Russian NC
On behalf of the Russian National Committee of CIGRE, I would like to welcome you to the 47th CIGRE Session!
Russian, and previously Soviet, energy specialists have been taking an active part in CIGRE activities for 95 years. According to the 2017 results, Russia ranks first in Europe and 5th in the world in terms of its membership.
CIGRE tools are there not only to help stay abreast of the world's leading developments and ideas, but also make a significant contribution to the international expert relations and fulfill the unique research potential conditioned by the specific features of development and operation of the power system of the world's largest country spanning 11 time zones and all climatic zones and ranking among the best in terms of power supply reliability and energy costs.
In 2018, Russia will present an unprecedented number of papers at the Session: 25 main papers and 11 papers from the Youth Section. For the third time a collective booth of Russian companies that are members of the Association will be presented at the Technical Exhibition of CIGRE. Unique Russian designs in the field of energy efficiency and high-temperature superconductivity will be unveiled there. The display will be dedicated to the country's latest solutions in emergency automation, cyber security and digitalization of energy facilities, which are gaining a greater focus in the modern world. Russia will for the first time showcase its own invention: a combined optical current and voltage transformer applied at HV digital substations and nonferrous smelters. These technologies are available only from two or three manufacturers in the world.
As part of the business program, there are plans to sign a number of agreements on developing international cooperation and promoting advanced domestic technologies to foreign markets. The existing tradition of bilateral meetings for experience sharing between Russian and foreign grid companies will continue.
A special issue of the sectoral science and technical journal Energy Unified Grid prepared for the participants of the 47th CIGRE Session features information about groundbreaking projects and solutions in the most prioritized areas of development of the Russian energy sector presented at the Session. Executives of companies — manufacturers of equipment - are sharing their success stories about promoting technologies to foreign markets through CIGRE tools.
I am confident that proposals from Russian colleagues will be of great interest to the international community of the sectoral experts and will find their way into the power systems of other countries.
I wish all participants of the 47th Session fruitful work and productive interaction with their colleagues in the field!
CIGRE Session 2018
The Russian National Committee of CIGRE traditionally organizes participation of the Russian delegates, including representatives of the management and experts of the leading companies, in the Session.
Upon completion of registration of participants for the research and engineering agenda of the 47th CIGRE Session, Russia is ranked 6th in the world, after France, Germany, Japan, USA, and UK.
Over 150 delegates from Russia will visit the Session in 2018, which exceeds the figures of the last five CIGRE Sessions. The biggest expert-oriented international event will be attended by chief executives and specialists of the industry's leading enterprises such as: Rosseti, FGC UES, SO UPS, Inter RAO, RusHydro, NP Market Council, RaEl, MOESK, OEK, Lenenergo, Samara Grid Company, R&D Center at FGC UES, NIIPT, VNIIR, Energosetstroyproekt, NRU MPEI, OmSTU, UrFU, NSTU, Skoltech, and others.
The list of participants of the Session's research agenda is expanded: Transneft, Solar Security (Rostelecom), Kaspersky Lab, and other companies from allied sectors have joined us.
Traditionally, an active part in the technical agenda is played by the industry's leading Russian manufacturers: Power Machines, RTSoft, Massa (Izolyator Plant), Togliatti Transformer, Kamkabel, Prosoft-Systems, Elmash, Energoservice, Streamer Electric, IT Energy Service, NPO VEI Elektroizolyatsiya, Elara, Global Insulator Group, etc.
In 2018, Russia will present an unprecedented number of papers at the Session: 25 main ones and 10 from the Youth Section. The works in the main agenda reflect the problematics on 14 lines of research:
– A1 Rotating Electrical Machines — 1 paper;
– A2 Transformers — 1 paper;
– A3 HV equipment — 2 papers;
– B1 Insulated Cables — 1 paper;
– B2 Overhead Lines — 1 paper;
– B3 Substations — 2 papers;
– B4 DC Systems & Power Electronics — 2 papers;
– B5 Relay Protection and Automation — 4 papers;
– C2 Power System operation and Control — 1 paper;
– C3 Power System Environmental Performance — 2 papers;
– C4 Power System Technical Performance — 2 papers;
– C6 Active Distribution Systems & Distributed Energy Resources — 1 paper;
– D1 Materials and Emerging Test Techniques — 3 papers;
– D2 Information Systems and Telecommunication — 2 papers.
The papers were prepared based on the preferential subjects approved by CIGRE central office, which were studied by the Russian professional community, during the traditional Reporting Conference of Russian NC CIGRE on the results of the 46th Session. The Reporting Conference played an important part in studying the topics of papers during preparation for the 47th CIGRE Session by the voting results for the determination of Russia's prioritized subjects in the power grid development. The results of the Reporting Conference of the Russian NC on the outcome of the 46th Session and the preferential subjects for the 47th Session of CIGRE reflect that the opinions of Russian and foreign specialists really match in respect of the most topical subjects of research.
For the third time now a collective stand of Russian companies will be presented at the Technical Exhibition of CIGRE. This year, the members of the common display (stand 217) will be:
– JSC R&D Center at FGC UES;
– Prosoft-Systems Ltd.;
– JSC Positive Technologies;
– JSC SuperOx;
– JSC RTSoft;
– Togliatti Transformer LLC;
– MNPP Antraks LLC;
– Siberian Design and Assembly Company Ltd.
Unique Russian developments in the field of energy efficiency and high-temperature superconductivity will be presented. The exposition will be dedicated to the Russian Companie's newest solutions in wide area of control automation, cybersecurity and digitalization of utilities, which are gaining more and more focus in the world. It will be the first time that the Digital Display (Explore the Best Practices of the Russian Energy Sector) will be organized so that companies can take part in the exhibition remotely. Profotech company will for the first time present its own development: a combined optical current and voltage transformer applied at HV digital substations and nonferrous smelters. These technologies are only available from two or three manufacturers in the world. As part of the business program, it is planned to sign a number of agreements on developing international cooperation and transferring advanced domestic technologies to foreign markets. It is planned to continue the positive practice of organizing bilateral meetings to share experience between Russian and foreign grid companies.
The following Russia representatives were awarded with the “CIGRE Distinguished Member” title in 2018:
– Valentin BARINOV;
– Alexander ILIENKO;
– Alexander KHRENNIKOV;
– Natalia VAGA;
– Nikolai VOROPAI.
In total, 32 persons were marked in the period between 1996 and 2016. The first awardees were: Lev MAMIKONYANTS, professor; Nikolai TIKHODEYEV, academician; and Igor GLEBOV, academician. A letter of acknowledgment from the CIGRE Technical Committee (Technical Committee Award) in 2018 will be bestowed upon Goda NUDELMAN, Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC VNIIR, who considerably contributed to the development of the integrated power grid in Russia and to the establishment of Local B5 SC of the Russian NC of CIGRE.
Russian NC Papers Annotations 2018
Russian NC Papers Annotations 2016
Historical and Interesting Facts about Russian NC
As of 2017, the Russian national committee of CIGRE is the 1st in Europe and the 5th in the world by the membership rating. This is the result of a long way of developing partnership with the largest non-governmental international association in the industry lasting for as long as 95 years.
Cooperation of Russia (USSR) and CIGRE has always been an industry- wide mission aimed at ensuring efficient channels of interaction for the Russian and international science in the sector. CIGRE tools are there not only to help keep up with all of the world's leading developments and ideas but also to make a tangible contribution into the international expert relations — to fulfill the unique research potential conditioned by the specifics of development and use of the power system of the world's largest country operating in 11 time zones and all climatic zones simultaneously and ranking among the best in terms of power supply reliability and energy cost.
the first Russian member of CIGRE Administrative Council, 1946
Russia (the USSR) began cooperating with CIGRE in 1923, two years after the organization was established. In 1946, the Soviet representative, Mikhail SHATELEN, the country's first professor of electrical engineering, initiator of electrotechnical school in Russia, was elected a member of CIGRE Administrative Council for the first time. The first leader and mastermind of the USSR National Committee (NC) of CIGRE established in 1957 was Lev MAMIKONYANTS, and his deputy was Boris LEBEDEV, Chairman of the Soviet Committee for participation in international power industry associations (SovMEK). They laid the foundation and the basic approach for the future participation of Russia (USSR) in CIGRE.
From the 1960s on, Russia (the USSR) has been represented in all of CIGRE's Study Committees, bringing the country industry's greatest minds to the vanguard of international expert teamwork. In 1969, the USSR (Volgograd) hosted the session of Study Committee (SC) “Direct current transmissions” for the first time.
By 70's, already five sessions of CIGRE Study Committees had been held in the USSR. In 1971, the USSR (Moscow) hosted the meeting of CIGRE Administrative Council for the first time. In 1989, in the USSR (Minsk and Vilnius), the Colloquium and the session of the SC “Communication and data transmission” as well as a session of the CIGRE Technical Committee were held for the first time.
Russia, also hosted Colloquium of SC “Rotating electrical machines” (Moscow, 1995), session of CIGRE Technical Committee (Moscow, 2002), session of the Steering Committee (Irkutsk, 2005), Colloquium of SC A2 “Transformers” (Moscow, 2005), and for the first time in contemporary Russia session of CIGRE Administrative Council (Kazan, 2013).
The creation of B5 Local Committee “Relay protection and automation” in Russia on the basis of JSC SO UPS aided by JSC VNIIR and the fruitful cooperation with CIGRE SC B5 allowed to organize in Russia regular international conferences “Actual trends in development of power system relay protection and automation” in different cities (Cheboksary, Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Sochi) starting from 2007 to attract as many Russian specialists for discussion of modern trends in RPA technology development with international leading experts in this area as possible. The conferences are organized by JSC SO UPS, PJSC FGC UES, PJSC RusHydro, and JSC VNIIR, supported by the Russian Ministry of Energy and Russian NC of CIGRE.
A Session of the Steering Committee (Irkutsk, 2005)
Anatoly DYAKOV, professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, greatly contributed to the development of relations between power industry professionals and their international colleagues in CIGRE. He dedicated over 30 years of his life to this work. Starting from 1988, he was continuously representing Russia in the Administrative Council and the Steering Committee of CIGRE. From 1989 to 2009, he headed the Soviet (from 1992, the Russian) national committee of CIGRE. In 2009, Anatoly DYAKOV was elected Honorary Chairman of the Russian NC of CIGRE and Chairman of the Technical Committee.
In his research work, Anatoly DYAKOV was focusing on the issues of development and implementation of a system to improve the reliability of the Unified Energy System of Russia. In recognition of his outstanding merits before the global power society, he was bestowed with the "CIGRE Distinguished Member" status in 2000, and awarded with the title of the "CIGRE Honorary Member" in 2014. He was the only person in Russia (USSR) to receive this title over 95 years.
The Soviet national Committee's functions of streamlined policymaking and representation of the USSR's interests in CIGRE were guided by the relevant ministry. In 1992, those functions were ceded to JSC RAO UES of Russia. In 2008 (as the RAO ceased to the Russian NC function), the activities of the Russian NC were built on the basis of JSC System Operator of the United Power System, and since 2015, after Andrey MUROV was elected Chairman of Russian NC of CIGRE, the Committee is supported by PJSC FGC UES. The head of Local Technical Committee is Yuriy SHAROV, professor, member of the Board of PJSC Inter RAO, General Director of LLC Inter RAO Engineering.
Throughout these 95 years, Russian (Soviet) specialists were taking active part in CIGRE life. They not only worked proactively at the National Committee's level, in national and international working groups, but also captained the trends of research, i.e. defined the global R&D agenda. For instance, between 1958 and 1968 the SC “Rotating Electrical Machines” was headed by Igor GLEBOV, and from 1976 to 1982 the SC “Overhead Transmission Lines” was led by Vladimir BURGSDORF. In 1970, Lev MAMIKONYANTS, professor, was elected for the Technical Committee of CIGRE.
The first woman to head a Study Committee over the whole history of cooperation of Russia (USSR) with CIGRE is Olga SINENKO, who became the head of SC D2 "Information Systems and Telecommunication" in 2018.
Report of Lev MAMIKONYANTS, the first Chairman of CIGRE USSR National Committee at the 21st CIGRE Session in 1966
Russian NC Events
Today holding CIGRE events in Russia remains one of the priorities of the Russian National Committee. In 2017 alone, with the support of the Russian NC of CIGRE's key partners: PJSC FGC UES (part of Rosseti Group), JSC SO UPS, and PJSC Inter RAO, a number events took place, including:
– International conference “RPA for Electric Power Systems 2017” (Saint Petersburg) organized by JSC SO-UPS, PJSC FGC UES, and PJSC RusHydro in cooperation with Local B5 SC “Relay protection and automation” of Russian NC of CIGRE and SC B5 of CIGRE and aided by the Russian Ministry of Energy and Russian NC of CIGRE. The conference gathered over 350 RPA professionals from Russia and overseas, including 40 foreign participants from 24 countries. Its agenda included discussion of 160 papers (122 from Russia and 38 from abroad), beside speeches at the plenary meeting, CIGRE SC B5 seminar, and three panel discussions on topical RPA development areas. The hosts of the conference paid great attention to attracting young specialists to the event. The conference welcomed over 50 students and postgraduates from 14 field-specific educational institutions of the country.
– CIGRE SC D2 Colloquium “Information systems and telecommunications” (Moscow) organized by Local D2 SC (JSC RTSoft, Olga SINENKO) in cooperation with CIGRE SC D2 with support from PJSC FGC UES. This was a key event in IT for power industry, which took place in our country and brought over 150 experts from 26 countries, gathering great attention in Russia and abroad. The papers were presented by 55 speakers, including 13 papers prepared by the Russian NC of CIGRE Youth Section. The colloquium was visited by Philippe ADAM, Secretary General of CIGRE, who met with the National Committee management as well as with the Youth Section members.
– International conference “Digital Substation. Standard IEC 61850” organized jointly with the Dutch National Committee of CIGRE with support from PJSC FGC UES, Local A3 SC “High voltage equipment” (R&D Center at FGC UES, KOSOLAPOV I.A.) and Local B3 SC “Substations” (PJSC FGC UES, Dmitry VODENNIKOV). The event was attended by experts from 21 countries — it was decided to hold the Conference on a regular basis, every two years.
– “Jobs of the Future in Power Industry” panel discussion within the Moscow International Education Fair, brought together representatives of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Energy of Russia, chief officers of the key industry-related educational institutions, and representatives of the industry's largest companies in one venue for live discussion on the future of the field-specific education.
– Meeting of the WG D1.52 of SC D1 of CIGRE “Moisture measurement in insulating fl uids and transformer insulation — An evaluation of solid state sensors and chemical methods”. The organizers of the meeting were Local SC D1 “Materials and emerging test techniques” (Massa LLC — Plant Izolyator, Aleksandr SLAVINSKIY) and JSC Technical Inspection UES.
For Russian industry experts there are traditional Reporting Conferences on the results of CIGRE Sessions where representatives of Russia in CIGRE SCs and heads of Local SCs provide a brief summary for those who is interested on the basic global trends of power system development, highlighting the most topical aspects for Russia.
An overview and analysis of results of Russia's participation in CIGRE Sessions are published in special editions of the “Energy abroad” appendix to the “Energetik” magazine.
In the coming years Russia is ready to welcome CIGRE events of no less importance:
– Joint meeting of the Steering Committee and the Technical Council of CIGRE (October, Moscow)
– International conference “Digital Substation. Standard IEC 61 850. Digitalization of power networks” (June, Moscow)
– International conference “Relay protection and automation of power systems” (June, Moscow)
– SC A1 Conference “Rotating Electrical Machines (2021 — requested)
– Joint Colloquium of SC D1 “Materials and Emerging Test Techniques” and A3 “High Voltage Equipment” (2023 — requested. Other Local SCs are invited to join)
Russian NC Structure
Russian NC Study Committees Representatives
R&D Center@FGC UES
A3 Transmission and distribution equipment
Elektrosetstroyprojekt; Scientific and Technical Center of Unified Power System
B2 Overhead lines
System Operator for Unified Energy System (SO UPS)
C1 Power system development and economics
Federal State educational establishment
C3 Power system environmental performance
System Operator for Unified Energy System (SO UPS)
C5 Electricity markets and regulation
Federal Grid Company for Unified Energy System (FGC UES)
B3 Substations and electrical installations
System Operator for Unified Energy System (SO UPS)
C2 Power system operation and control
System Operator for Unified Energy System (SO UPS)
C4 Power system technical performance
Russian NC Study Committees
Russian NC Youth Section
Today, the Youth Section of the Russian National Committee is one of the largest and the most successful youth associations in CIGRE's global practice.
The Youth Section concluded 20 cooperation agreements with leading Russian technical universities. Under the Youth Section program supported by leading power companies and partner universities, more than twenty all-Russia and international events are held on a regular annual basis, which include contests, quizzes and competitions, practice-oriented public lectures by representatives of Local SCs, forums, scientific and technical conferences. Participants of the section can learn from the industry's leading experts, share experience with colleagues, and present their research papers at the regional and international conferences, including the world's biggest power industry event, the CIGRE Session in Paris.
The wide geography of participants of the Youth Section events allows the students and postgraduates to assess their knowledge, compare the level of proficiency, show their expertise, and compete with the best young specialists. This interaction enriches all of its participants with new knowledge and experience, promoting the professional development of young researchers and formation of a succession pool for the industry.
More info about Russian NC Youth Section: link.
Russian National Committee of CIGRE
117630, Moscow, 5A Akademika Chelomeya Street