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RTSoft offers solutions for different businesses: electric power industries, nuclear power industries, oil and gas industries, metallurgy, transportation, instrument engineering, IT, telecommunications, railway industries, utilities and building automation, specialized solutions.

RTSoft performs a wide range of scientific, technological, engineering and production tasks: concept development, standard and technology development, design, production and implementation of new solutions, systems and PTCs.

Main business areas of RTSoft include:

  • development, delivery and integration of hardware and software (embedded computer systems);

  • development of specialized and customized software;

  • development of automated information and control systems for industrial and energy automation;

  • development and production of electronic hardware, including prototypes.

Specialization/products: Automated and automatic control systems.

Products in foreign markets: Automated and automatic control systems.

Иностранные рынки присутствия: DACH countries.

Presence in foreign markets: Armenia, Croatia, Romania, Vietnam.

Membership in international organizations: RTSoft - Russian NC CIGRE leading science and technology partner, Base Institution for  subcommittee D2 Russian NC CIGRE .

Relevant SCs: D2.

Participation in CIGRE WGs: WG D2.46, JWG D2/C6.47

Participation in national WGs: D2.6 "Information-analytical systems in the tasks of life-cycle management of power equipment".

Number of scientific articles: more than 50.

Development of industry standards:

Сompany standard 56947007- and technological infrastructure of substations. Typical technical solutions. Approved and put into effect by the Order of  FGC UES dated March 21, 2014 No. 147.

Сompany standard. Modernization and expansion of COTASASSO. Typical technical solutions. Approved by the Customer 29.05.2015 Customer Inter RAO.

Development of education programs:

Course title:
- SCADA-systems and real-time databases;
- Information collection and transmission systems;
- Transmission control and distribution systems;
- Information security of the automated process control system;
- Operating systems for embedded and industrial applications.

Products described in CIGRE articles: AMIGO (ADVANCED MICROGRID OPTIMIZATION) is an intelligent EMS for DER.

Major foreign clients: Kontron - German-based multinational company, Sprecher Automation GmbH.

Prospective areas of research:

Digital technology and solutions:

The software package Protection Suite is designed to improve the efficiency of specialists of relay protection and automation as well as the main  performance indicators of the power company, including:
• ensuring the reliability of the relay protection and the entire system of electricity supply to consumers;
• reducing the frequency and duration of emergency shutdowns;
• reduction of operating costs for maintenance of relay protection and automation devices;
• Improving the productivity and efficiency of the specialists of relay protection and automation .
Protection Suite includes:
• software complexes for calculating emergency modes, automated selection of settings of relay protection and automation devices and analyzing the correctness of their operation in the power system;
• software and hardware complexes for the automated collection, transmission and analysis of technological information from the devices RZA, RAS, WMD.

Energy efficient technologies and solutions:

MICROGRID OPTIMIZATION) is an intelligent EMS for DER.
AMIGO provides coordinated control of locally distributed power systems of various sizes - from individual buildings to large energy areas:
• industrial enterprises and technoparks;
• "smart house", business center, urban area;
• autonomous and isolated power systems;
• complexes of renewable energy sources.
AMIGO provides:
• economic management optimization of distributed energy resources and consumer loads;
• reduction of energy costs and operating costs for electrical equipment;
• Improving the quality of electricity and reliability of electricity supply to consumers of micro-energy (Microgrid);
• Increase the economic efficiency of operations in the retail and wholesale electricity markets;
• the possibility of obtaining additional revenues from the provision of system services and participation in price-dependent consumption. 

More information: link.

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