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Full title: Joint Stock Company «Scientific and Technical Center of Unified Power System».

STC UPS offers following services in the confines of these directions:

  • Pre-project development and investigations for preparing of projects

  • Feasibility study of construction and modernisation of power pools and objects

  • Analysis of operation of power systems and separate objects

  • Development and verification of digital models of power systems and its elements

  • Tests and certification of electric equipment

  • Certification, check on functioning, tests and adjustment «on a turn-key basis» of control devices, automatics and protection systems of a power system, station and aggregate levels using digital-analog-physical complex

Specialization/products: Research and development activities, elaboration of scientific-technical, engineering, methodological and design documentation, software development, development and manufacture of hardware & software systems and solutions, expert and consulting services in the field of power engineering and electrical technology, testing and certification of power equipment.

Presence in foreign markets: Belarus, Kazakhstan.

Membership in international organizations: CIGRE.

Relevant SCs: B5, C2.

Participation in CIGRE WGs: B4.

Number of scientific articles: 280 (2013-2017).

Number of patents: more than 1000.

Products described in CIGRE articles: 

1. B5-106_2014 Brand new centralized emergency automation in UPS of East and the experience of its exploitation
2. B5-119_2018 Application experience of emergency automatics in UPS of Russian Federation
3. C2-104-2010 Enhancing operational reliability of the UPS of the Russia using automatic emergency control
4. C2-125_2016 Automatic device of monitoring of stability margins

Prospective areas of research:

Digital technology and solutions:

The JSC «STC UPS» developed the technology of a power system integrity protection scheme (SIPS), which operates in a centralized and decentralized mode. The main task of the SIPS is to prevent the violation of stability in case of emergency in power system and to ensure in post-emergency conditions a stability margins. The SIPS complex analyses in real time the parameters of the operation conditions, the current structure of an electrical network, emergency disturbances. SIPS select the control actions, and transfers the selected control actions to the executive devices.

The JSC «STC UPS» developed the technology of stability Margin Monitoring System (SMMS). SMMS monitors the stability margins of power system taking into account of static and transient stability requirements. For measurement and transmission of the current values of operating conditions parameters the modern technical means, including the device type WAMS, are used. The mathematical method, which is used in the automatic device of monitoring of stability margins, is based on Russian classical methods of calculation of operating conditions and determination of static and transient stability margins.

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117630, Moscow, 5A Akademika Chelomeya Street

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