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Full title: Joint Stock Company High Voltage Direct Current Power Transmission Research Institute.

Specialization/products: Перспективные технологии для повышения надежности энергосистем, аттестация и диагностика оборудования.

Presence in foreign markets: The system for selection of external insulation of electrical equipment is developed for the power systems of Cuba, Mongolia, Egypt. Lightning protection systems for 110-500 kV overhead lines for Kazakhstan network using line surge arresters have been developed, characteristics of arresters have been determined, and a methodology for their placement on support towers has been proposed. Providing consulting services to the State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC) in the field of research and design of high-voltage and ultra-high voltage AC 1150 kV and DC ± 750 kV overhead lines. The information received by SGCC was used in the construction of the first 1000 kV AC and ± 800 kV DC lines in China. Studies of long rod porcelain insulators on corrosion resistance and discharge characteristics at a constant voltage were carried out under the contract with the firm "CERAM" (Germany). These studies have allowed to substantiate the possibility of effective application of long rod porcelain insulators for HVDC lines, which was successfully implemented in a number of foreign projects.

Membership in international organizations: CIGRE, IEC.

Relevant SCs: B4, B1, B2.

Participation in CIGRE WGs:

JWG C4/B4.38 «Network Modelling for Harmonic Studies»
JWGB4/C1.65 «Recommended Voltages for HVDC Grids»
WG B4.64 «Impact of AC System Characteristics on the Performance of HVDC Schemes»

Participation in national WGs:

SC В4.1. «Feasibility study of static and electric machine FACTS devices.

Number of scientific articles: more than 100 over the last 10 years.

Development of industry standards:

Chapter 1.9 of the Electrical Safety Board 7th  edition  «Insulation of electric installations»
GOST P 52034 «Ceramic support insulators for voltage over 1000 V. General specifications»
GOST P 52083 «Support polymeric outdoor insulators for voltage 6-220 kV. General specifications»
Standards of  PJSC "FGC UES":
STO 56947007-29.240.059-2010 Instructions for the selection of insulation of electriс installations;
STO 56947007-29.240.058-2010 Guidelines for the mapping of pollution levels on the territory of the OHL and  outdoor switch-gears;
STO 56947007-29.240.133-2012 Insulation of electric installations in areas with a contaminated atmosphere. Operation and maintenance;
STO 56947007-29.240.068-2011 Creepage distance of external insulation of AC installations of voltage classes of 6-750 kV;
STO 56947007- Suspension rod polymeric insulators. Test method for stability after manufacture;
STO 56947007-29.240.069-2011 Insulators for the overhead line 110-750 kV. Test methods;
STO 56947007-29.240.144-2013 Electric equipment for voltage over 3 kV. Methods for testing external insulation in a dirty condition.
Maintenance Team for IEC 60919-1 (Performance of high-voltage direct current (HVDC) systems with line-commutated converters - Part 1: Steady-state conditions), 60919-2 (Performance of high-voltage direct current (HVDC) systems with line-commutated converters - Part 2: Faults and switching) and 60919-3 (Performance of high-voltage direct current (HVDC) systems with line-commutated converters - Part 3: Dynamic conditions)
IEC 62927:2017 Electrical testing of voltage sourced converter (VSC) valves for static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) (WG 30 SC 22F

Products described in CIGRE articles: 

1. G.Tsfasman, A.Mazurenko, A.Mordcovich, A.Tarasov, E.Zmaznov, A.Bastunsky, D.Lubarsky, E.Rossovsky, G.Prochan, A.Popov. New Integrated Control and Protection System for Vyborg Back-to-Back HVDC Link. CIGRE 2008 Session, Paper № В4-102, Paris, France.
2. Novikova , О. Shmarago. Operating experience, calculation and modernization of lightning protection EHV overhead lines with sections without ground wire. International Colloquium on  Lightning and Power Systems, BOLOGNA 2016
3. E. Ivanova. Consideration of the unfaulted segment of HVDC line with cable and overhead parts during line fault location using spectrum algorithm, HVDC-2016 Conference, Shanghai, China.
4. E. Ivanova  N.Lozinova, N. Yarokh, O. Suslova. One-side spectral method for line fault location in HVDC line. В4-57. CIGRE Colloquium. HVDC & HVAC Network Technologies for the Future, 2017, Winnipeg, Canada.
5. K.B. Gusakovsky, N.G. Lozinova, O.V. Suslova, E.U. Zmaznov.  Operating experience and ways to improve reliability of Vyborg back-to-back HVDC link (in connection with the 35th anniversary of the commissioning of the first converter unit). CIGRE 2018 Session, Paper № В4-136, Paris, France.
6. L. L. Vladimirskii.  Selection and dimensioning of DC overhead line insulation. International Symposium.  Development of Electricity Infrastructures in Sub-Saharan Africa SOUTH AFRICA, 2015.
7. O.V. Frolov, Y.A. Shershnev, M.K. Gurevich. Experience of Russia on preventing ice-wind failures in electric systems. CIGRE 2012 Session, Paper № B2-203, Paris, France

Products described in indexed journals:

E. A. Ivanova. Fault Location in a Nonuniform DC Power Transmission Line. Power Technology and Engineering. January 2015, Volume 48, Issue 5, pp 400–405.

Prospective areas of research:

Advanced technologies for reliability enhancement of electrical networks, equipment certification and diagnostics

1. Tests and diagnostics of cable systems
Tests of 6-35 kV cables with impregnated paper insulation and cable fittings.
Tests of 110 and 220 kV oil-filled cables with paper-oil insulation of high and low pressure
Tests of 6-500 kV XLPE cables and cable fittings 
Tests and diagnostics of 6-500 kV cable lines under operating conditions with the use of non-destructive methods.

2. Improvement of external insulation for reliability enhancement of electrical networks with voltage levels of up to 500 kV.
Increasing the reliability of the overhead lines and outdoor switchgear insulation in the conditions of pollution and humidification:
• Mapping of pollution levels;
• Introduction of effective preventive measures;
• Use of the optimum types of insulators.
Development and introduction into trial operation of silicon organic protective coating for line, supporting and apparatus insulators in order to increase their electrical strength under humidification and pollution conditions []
Research and selection of optimal types of insulating materials for the manufacture of polymer high-voltage insulation.

3. Development and introduction of modern methods of lightning protection of electric networks in various climatic regions 
Optimization and modernization of lightning protection systems of 110/500 kV overhead lines with the use of arresters.

4. Means of preventing ice-wind failures in electric systems
JSC NIIPT developed a series of controlled ice melting rectifier (CIMR) for preventing ice-wind failures in electric systems. A more detailed description is available at
General capabilities of CIMR:
• The ability to control the melting current, including with use the signals from ice sensors
• Soft start and turn-off of the rectifier, which allows to avoid overvoltages and facilitates the operation of switching equipment
• Constant melting current regulation, which is especially important when melting ice on overhead ground-wire cable with an optical cable
• Digital microprocessor control, protection and automation system
• Containerized with forced air closed cooling system
• Current and voltage measuring transformers are located inside the container
• Minimal on-site construction work
• Easy to transport.

5. Method and device for determining the line fault location (LFL) in an nonuniform DC transmission line
To solve the LFL issue in the HVDC line, consisted of both overhead and cable segments carrying out a detailed analysis of the frequency components of the informative signal is proposed. As an informative signal the transient voltage at the one side of DC line is considered. Calculation of the fault distance is considered in the view of the high harmonic filter on the DC side, installed in the midpoint of the soothing reactor. For this purpose, total equivalent conductivity of the short-circuit line model is determined.

6. Control and protection systems for HVDC power transmissions bases on line-commutated converters (LCC) 
Development and implementation of modern control and protection systems for LCC HV DC power transmissions. Experience in developing and implementation: Vyborg HVDC link, DC power transmission 50 MW with superconducting cable.

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