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Izolyator Company (Massa LLC)


Specialization/products: Equipment of high, high and medium voltage PS and HV. High-voltage bushings of transformers, reactors, switches, line bushings.

Products in foreign markets: Equipment of high, high and medium voltage PS and HV:Air-oil, Air-air, Oil-oil, Air-SF6.

Products with international certification: The company's products meet the requirements of International standard IEC 60137-2017. 

Presence in foreign markets: More than 30 countries: CIS countries, India, Vietnam, China, Belgium, Turkey, Italy, Portugal, Estonia, Latvia, etc.

Potential foreign markets: Iran, Saudi Arabia.

Membership in international organizations: CIGRE Study Committee D1, IEC (working group 5 of Subcommittee JET 36A), the international Association TRAVEK, Academy of electrotechnical Sciences of the Russian Federation.

Relevant SCs: D1.

Participation in CIGRE WGs:

WG D 1.52 «Moisture measurement in insulating fluids and transformer insulation»
WG D 1.64 «Electrical insulation sys-tems at cryogenic temperatures»
WG D 1.70 «Functional properties of modern insulating liquids for transformers and similar electrical equipment»

Number of scientific articles: 12. More info: link.

Number of patents: 10. More info: link.

Development of industry standards: National Standard of the Russian Federation «Insulated bushings for alternating current rated voltages above 1000 V». Common specification. Edition 2014-01-01
It was developed by the Limited Liability Company "Massa" (OOO "Massa") and the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "All-Russian Electrotechnical Institute named after V. I. Lenin (FSUE" VEI ").
International Standart IEC 60137  Insulated bushing voltage above 1000 V Edition 2017-06

Products described in CIGRE articles: 

1) Diagnostic control of paper-oil isolation based on the method of "direct" measurement of the moisture content of paper "Dar'yan LA  (ZAO TI UES), Kozlov AV, Polischuk VP, Shurupov A.V.  (Shatursky branch of the OIVT RAS) 
2) Actual issues of high-voltage bushing condition monitoring, A. Kraiachich, A. Mordkovich, G. Tsfasman, Russia, ASU-VEI   LLC.
3) Using optical spectroscopy for quality control of mineral transformer oils V. Kozlov, M.  Garifullin, KGEU, Russia
4) The improvement of DGA estimation by the criterion of maximum permissible concentrations of gases and their rate of growth
V. Pelymsky, V.  Buzaev, I Davydenko Russia.  
5) Evaluation of the paper insulation condition of power transformers based on the content of methanol dissolved in transformer oil) L. DARIAN   
6) "Use of compression gel in high-voltage bushing ", A.Z.  Slavinsky, S.E.  Kryuchkov company "Insulator" -LLC"Massa". 
7) "Generalization of the global trends in the development and application of electrical insulating systems that reduce power losses", based on the materials of the International Colloquium of CIGRE 2017, " HVDC & HVAC Network Technologies for the Future " Winnipeg, Canada D1 SC D1 A.Z.  Slavinsky, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of Subcommittee D1 RNC SIGRE, Chairman of the Board of Directors, V.N.  Ustinov, the engineer company "Isolator" - LLC "Massa" 
8) The brief review of tendencies of development and application of insulating materials following the results of the 46th Session of the CIGRE A.Z.  Slavinsky, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of Subcommittee D1 RNC SIGRE, Chairman of the Board of Directors, V.N.  Ustinov, Engineer, "Isolator" company - "Massa" LLC 
9) Main directions in the work of CIGRE on diagnostics of electrical equipment (following the results of the 46th session of CIGRE in 2016). Study Committee D1 A.Z.  Slavinsky, D.Sc., Head of Subcommittee D1 RNC SIGRE, Chairman of the Board of Directors of LLC "Massa" 
10) The main directions of the work of SIGRE in the framework of increasing the reliability of electrical equipment The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company "Isolator" - LLC "Massa" 

Products described in indexed journals:

1) Thermo-mechanical Stresses in Solid RIP Insulation. External Influence Resistance Testing of High-Voltage Bushings rated 220-500 kV
S.D. Kassikhin, K.G. Sipilkin, A.Z. Slavinskiy
ELEKTRO. Electrical Engineering, Power Industry, and Electrical Industry, 2007, No. 2. 
2) Development and Launch of the Batch Production of High-Voltage Bushings with Solid Internal RIP Insulation rated 110-220 kV in 2002-2005
Doctor of Engineering Science A.Z. Slavinskiy, S.D. Kassikhin, A.E. Kirpichev and other
ELEKTRO. Electrical Engineering, Power Industry, and Electrical Industry, 2006, No. 3. 
3) On Reliability of Power Transformers and Autotransformers of electric circuits
Candidate of Science (Engineering) M.Yu. L'vov,…, S.D. Kassikhin, Doctor of Engineering Science A.Z. Slavinskiy, K.G. Sipilkin
Power Stations, 2005, No. 11 . 
4) SPECIAL ISSUE «Energy of unified grid» №4/2016
«IZOLYATOR PLANT. Century-long experience and innovative technologies for power industry» 
5) Isolator Plant: 120 years of experience in innovative developments and production of high-voltage bushings. Magazine "Electricity.  Transmission and distribution »№6 / 2016 
6) Seismic testing in Italy Magazine" Electricity.  Transmission and distribution »№4 / 2016 
7) Establish interaction between the producer and the consumer Newspaper" Energy and Industry of Russia "№09 / 2017 
8) Testing of high-voltage input 110 kV at a temperature of -200ºС Magazine" Electricity. 
9) Isolator plant: value system in the system of changes. Journal "News in the energy sector" No. 3/2017. 
10) Russia's first "oil-gas" entry 500 kV. The magazine "Electricity.  Transmission and distribution »№3 / 2017
11) А.I.  Kononenko Article "Estimation of the state of electrical insulation by measuring the isothermal relaxation current" - "Electric Stations" No. 11 for 2017. 
12) A.I.  Kononenko Article "Power cables with impregnated paper insulation.  Experience of technical diagnosis » "Novosti Elektrotehniki" No. 4 (106) for the year 2017.
13) "Application of the method of" image recognition "according to the pulse structure from the CR for the determination of defects in high-voltage insulation"  Slavinsky, Doctor of Technical Sciences;  Ustinov V.N.  (Plant "Isolator" - LLC "Massa") Yu.P.  Aksenov, Doctor of Technical Sciences;  I.V.  Yaroshenko, Ph.D.  (CJSC DIAX) - Energoexpert No. 5 (58) for the year 201

Major foreign clients: 

Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PowerGrid) 
EVN National Power Transmission Corporation (EVN NPT)
OOO ZaporozhTransformator, Ukraine
OAO Chirchik Transformer Plant Joint Venture, Uzbekistan
AREVA T&D, Multinational Corporation
Končar – Distribution and Special Transformers Inc. Croatia
TBEA Shenyang Transformer Group Co., Ltd. China
Vijai Electricals Ltd. India

More info: link.

Prospective areas of research:

Digital technology and solutions:

It is proposed on the site of the enterprise to develop On Line interaction with colleagues by consumers.  
After registration on the site, the program compares the characteristics of the inputs in operation with the passport data and the results of previous measurements, if necessary, gives recommendations for further operation.  
The implementation of the project will minimize possible operational errors and form a single base for the status of high-voltage bushings in operation.


For the purpose of ensuring safety and security of information of commercial, production and economic character at the enterprise the security program is introduced and used Sync Backup, FreeFile Sync, Cobian Backup


In the framework of the development and creation of a current-limiting device using the principle of superconductivity in its work, it was necessary to use a high-voltage input capable of operating at a temperature of -200 ° C in a liquid nitrogen atmosphere.  Moreover, the upper part of the input must be in the air, that is, the temperature drop can reach 250 ° C. This requirement was realized using RIN technology, 110 and 220 kV bushings successfully passed high-voltage tests in Russia and Korea both in the test thermostat and in  the composition of the finished product.  At the end of 2018, it is planned to put into operation the first current-limiting devices in the amount of 3 pieces.

Other technology: 

RIN (Resin Impreguated Nonwomen) - non-woven fabric impregnated with resin is a new type of insulation for high-voltage bushings.  In foreign literature it occurs as RIS (Resin Impregnated Synthetic).  When winding insulation of this type, instead of paper, a special nonwoven web is used, which does not contain cellulose in its structure and, accordingly, is not capable of moistening.  Humidification of insulation is one of the main causes of damage to high-voltage bushings, so using this type of insulation will significantly increase the reliability of the inputs and reduce the amount of damage.  To date, the serial production of bushings with RIN insulation has been mastered to a voltage class of 500 kV inclusive.

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