Kamsky Kabel LLC
Specialization/products: Power cables.
Products in foreign markets: Power cables.
Products with international certification:
three-core power cable 19/33(36) kV, 3 х 400 mm2, Cu/XLPE/CTS/+ICC/PVC/DSTA/PVC
three-core power cable 6,35/11(12) kV, 3 х 300 mm2, Cu/XLPE/CTS/PVC/SWA/PVC
Presence in foreign markets: CIS states, Cyprus, Mongolia, Vietnam, Czech Republic.
Potential foreign markets: Europe, Middle East.
Membership in international organizations: CIGRE, International Cablemakers Federation (ICF).
Relevant SCs: B1.
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Russian National Committee of CIGRE
117630, Moscow, 5A Akademika Chelomeya Street
+7-495-710-95-95, cigre@cigre.ru